Problem solvingWorkCentre 5019/5021User Guide11-7Copies are out ofposition orcrooked.Have you placed thedocument correctly?Place the document correctly.Refer to Placing the document on page 5-1.Is the paper loadedcorrectly in the tray?Load the paper correctly.Refer to Loading paper in Trays 1 and 2(optional) on page 4-7.If using Bypass tray, haveyou loaded the paper sothat the paper guides arein contact with it?Load the paper correctly.Refer to Loading paper in the Bypass tray onpage 4-9.Are the documentfeeder's documentguides misaligned?Place the document correctly, moving thedocument guides into contact with the edges ofthe document.Refer to Placing the document on page 5-1.Have you mounted thetray securely?Mount the tray by inserting it securely all theway into the machine.Refer to Loading paper in Trays 1 and 2(optional) on page 4-7.Copies havemissing parts inthem.Is the paper damp? Damp paper creates missing parts or unclearcopies. Replace it with paper from an unopenedpack.Is the paper in the traycreased or wrinkled?Remove any problematic sheets, or replace thepaper with paper from an unopened pack.Are you copying a cut-and-pasted or creaseddocument?Cut-and-pasted or creased parts of thedocument might not be making proper contactwith the document glass. Place a stack of whitepaper on top of the document to bring it intoproper contact with the document glass.Striped patternsappear in copies.Are you attempting tomake an enlarged copyof the document with toolarge an enlargementfactor?When making enlarged copies, someenlargement factors can create striped patterns.Adjust the copy enlargement factor.Refer to Reduce/enlarge on page 5-12.Symptom Possible cause Remedy