PrintingXerox ® WorkCentre® 6655/6655i Color Multifunction Printer 89User GuideUsing the watermark options, you can do the following:• Create a watermark or edit an existing watermark using the Watermark Editor:− A Text Watermark uses the characters typed in the Text field as the watermark. You can createa text watermark to print on a document. Select options such as font size, font type, font color,and angle.− A Picture Watermark uses an image as the watermark. The picture file can be in .bmp, .gif, or.jpg format. You can create a picture watermark to print on a document, and select optionsincluding size and position on the page.− A Time Stamp Watermark uses a time stamp as the watermark. You can create a time stampwatermark to print on a document. Time stamp elements include the day, date, time, and timezone.• Place a watermark on the first page or on every page in a document.• Print a watermark in the foreground or background or blend it with the print job.To print a watermark:1. Click Document Options > Watermark.2. From the Watermark menu, select the watermark.3. Click Layering, then select how to print the watermark:− Print in Background: This option prints the watermark behind the text and graphics in thedocument.− Blend: This option combines the watermark with the text and graphics in the document. Ablended watermark is translucent, so you can see both the watermark and the documentcontent.− Print in Foreground: This option prints the watermark over the text and graphics in thedocument.4. Click Pages, then select the pages on which to print the watermark:− Print on Page 1 Only: This option prints the watermark only on the first page of the document.− Print on All Pages: This option prints the watermark on all pages of your document.5. Click OK.