2 Specifications and Functions for CNTR-01 Module2.3.1 Reversible Counter262.3 Counter ModesThe CNTR-01 Module has three counter modes. The counter mode can be switched by setting the Fixed ParameterTab Page* of CNTR-01 Module Definition Window.• Reversible counter• Interval counter• Frquency measurementThis section outlines each counter mode.* Refer to 2.4.2 Setting the Counter Fixed Parameters on page Reversible CounterThe count is incremented and decremented based on the pulse A and pulse B inputs.The Count Disable and Count Preset functions are enabled when specified in the output data setting field* of I/O DataTab Page in the CNTR-01 Module Definition Window. Also the Mask of Calculation by C-Pulse can be selected toprohibit counting while the pulse C is being input. The count value is stored in the input register (Counter Value) everyhigh-speed scan (or low-speed scan).* Refer to 2.4.3 ( 3 ) Out Data Items on page 35.The diagram below illustrates an example of the reversible counter operation when the Counting Mask Using Pulse Cfunction is enabled)..Counter value (IL+4)Stores sequentially the count value every scan (n1 to n7 in the above diagram)Count preset (1) and (2)As the Count Preset Request is executed at the positions p1 and p7 in the above diagram, the count values areforcibly reset to the preset values p2 and p8.n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7n1n2n3n4 n5n6n7TsCounter value0㧔㧗㧕㧔㧙㧕2147483647㧔MAX㧕2147483648㧔MIN㧕Pulse C terminal(positive logic)Pulse C terminal(negative logic)p2p1p7p8p3 p6p4 p5RestartscountingCountprohibitedStopscountingCountpermittedRestarts countingStops countingTs = scan setting (s)Time㧔s㧕Count preset (2)Count preset (1)Pulses A and B UP Stop UP DOWN UP Stop DOWN Stop DOWNCountercountregister