Note 1) The above message window shows "Initialized as default robot. Machineparameter file(s) not found". It means that since there had been no parametersfor the subject manipulator, the RCS-Module has been started by the defaultparameters. To start the RCS-Module properly with the right parametersdownloaded from the actual manipulators or provided by Yaskawa, it isnecessary to prepare those files under "Folder>\YASKAWA_NX100__1.XX\data" using proper names. (Refer toSection 3.2.6.)Note 2) When connecting the RRS, a WARNING dialog box appears, clearly indicatingthe upper limit of the positioning level (PL) for the subject RCS-Module. It isan indication to prompt the user's attention, and is not a failure indication.3.2.5 IGRIP V5-RRS Disconnection OperationTo perform RRS disconnection operation with IGRIP V5, follow the procedure below:1) The [RRS Disconnect Confirmation] dialog box can be displayed with the followingoperation procedure:Operation procedure: [View]-[Toolbars]-[RRS Connect]2) Press the [OK] button on the [RRS Disconnect Confirmation] dialog box and the connectionwith the RCS-Module will disconnect.Fig. 3-14 RRS Connect toolbarNote) When closing the IGRIP V5, it is also required to terminate the RCS serverprogram (rcssrv_Yaskawa_NX100__1.XX.exe). To terminate the RCS serverprogram, close the MS-DOS window opened in Chapter IGRIP V5-RRS Connection Using Parameters of Actual ManipulatorTo start the RCS-Module properly using the parameters downloaded from actual manipulatoror right parameter provided by Yaskawa, prepare the parameters in the following procedureand perform IGRIP-RRS connection:28/31HW0482335