4 Option Components16 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOBP C730600 89D YASKAWA AC Drive Option SI-EP3 Installation ManualThe operational states of the option LEDs after the power-up diagnostic LED sequence iscompleted are described in Table 4. The states with a number in parenthesis are the numberof pulses of 250 ms on, 250 ms off cycles, followed by 500 ms off, then repeating the cycle.Wait at least 2 seconds for the power-up diagnostic process to complete before verifyingLED states.Table 4 Option LED StatesName Indication Operating Status DescriptionColor StatusMS(visible throughdrive cover)– OFF Power supply OFF Power is not being supplied to thedrive.Green ON Option operating The option is operating normallyand initialization is complete.Green Flashing (1) Diagnostics Diagnostic data available.Green Flashing (2) Configuration tool Identified by a configuration tool.Red ON Default MAC or fatal erroroccurred.Default MAC address has beenprogrammed or the option hasdetected an unrecoverable error.Red Flashing (1) Invalid Station NameprogrammedInvalid Station nameprogrammed into device. It mustbe rewritten with a valid namefrom PLC software or webpage.Red Flashing (2) No IP (non-fatal) No IP address assigned.Red Flashing (3) No station name (non-fatal) No station name assigned.Red Flashing (4) Init failure (non-fatal) Failed to initialize module.Green/Red Flashing Option self-test The option is in self-test mode.NS(visible throughdrive cover)– OFF Offline or Power supply OFF –Green ON Connected Connection established with I/Ocontroller and in RUN mode.Green Flashing Connected and stopped Connection established with I/Ocontroller and in STOP mode.Red ON BUS fault Unrecoverable BUS fault.Red Flashing (1) Lost communication Host communication istemporarily lost.Red Flashing (2) Lost link No link detected to network.Red Flashing (3) IP address settings badUse the operator or Drive Wizardto check and change F7parameters, then cycle power.You can also set the PLC toassign the IP address, which willauto-clear the fault.