Page 83FT-450 OPERATION MANUALP M-UP (MIC-UP PG)Function: One of 52 functions can be preset andassigned to the [UP] key of the micro-phone.Available Values: Please see page 16.Default: UPPresets of various functions can be assigned to the[UP] key of the microphone using this option.PEAKHLD (METER PEAK HOLD )Function: Peak hold setting of S meter.Available Values: ON/OFFDefault: ONWhen this function is set to on the peak S meter read-ing is held for 0.5 seconds to improve readability.PNL-C.SFunction: One of 53 functions can be preset and as-signed to the [VOICE/C.S] key.Available Values: Please see page 16.Default: VCCPresets of various functions can be assigned to the[VOICE/C.S] key using this option.Please see page 16 for a detailed explanation.QSPL F (QUICK SPLIT FREQ)Function: offsets the transmit frequency.Available Values: -20 ~ 0 ~ +20 (kHz)in 1kHz incrementsDefault: +5The Quick Split feature allows you to set a one-touchoffset to be applied to your radio's transmit frequencycompared to the receiving frequency. Also, the trans-mit mode is set to the same mode as the receivefrequency (See page 41).RFPOWER (RF PWR SET)Function: Sets the maximums transmit power levelfor the current band.Available Values: 5 ~ 100 (W)Default: 100 (W)RPT (REPEATER SHIFT DIRECTION)Function: Sets the Repeater shift DirectionAvailable Values: -SHIFT / SIMPLEX / +SHIFTDefault: SIMPLEXRPT SFT (REPEATER SHIFT OFFSET)Function: Sets the magnitude of the repeater shifton the 28/50MHz band.Available Values: 0.00 ~ 99.99 (MHz)Default: HF: 0.10 (MHz) / 50 MHz: 1.00 (MHz)The FT-450 may be utilized on 29 MHz and 50 MHzrepeaters.ADVICE:The conventional repeater shift used on 29 MHz is100 kHz, while on the 50 MHz band the shift mayvary between 500 kHz and 1.7 MHz (or more). Toprogram the proper repeater shift, use Menu Item“RPT SFT” (see page 53).RTY SFT (RTTY-SHIFT)Function: Selects the frequency shift for FSK RTTYoperation.Available Values: 170 / 200 / 425 / 850 (Hz)Default: 170RTY TON (RTTY-TONE)Function: Selects the Mark tone for RTTY opera-tion.Available Values: 1275 / 2125 (Hz)Default: 2125RTYRPOL (RTTY-RX-POLARITY)Function: Selects normal or reverse Mark / Spacepolarity for RTTY receive operation.Available Values: NOR/REVDefault: NORRTYTPOL (RTTY-TX-POLARITY)Function: Selects normal or reverse Mark / Spacepolarity for RTTY transmit operation.Available Values: NOR /REVDefault: NORSCN RES (SCAN RESUME)Function: Sets the delay time for scan resume.Available Values: BUSY / TIME1 ~ 10 (sec)Default: RIME5 (sec)SELDIAL (SEL DIAL MODE)Function: Assigns a second function to DSP/SELknob that is activated when the DSP/SELknob is momentarily depressed.Available Values: CWSTONE / CWSPEED/ 100KHZ /1MHZ/MICGAIN/ RFPOWERDefault: 100KHZ (100 kHz)CWSTONE: CW SIDETONE LEVELCWSPEED: CW KEYER SPEED100KHZ: 100KHz Step1MHZ: 1MHz StepMICGAIN: MIC GAIN SETRFPOWER: RF POWER SETSQL TYP (SQL TYPE)Function: Selects the Tone Encoder and/or Decodermode.Available Values: OFF / ENC / ENC/DECDefault: OFFOFF: The function of “SQL knob” that exists inthe front panel is selected.ENC: CTCSS EncoderENC/DEC: CTCSS Encoder/Decoder(Tone Squelch)SQL/RFG (SQL/RF GAIN)Function: Selects the configuration of the frontpanel’s SQL/RF knob.Function: SQL/RF-GAINDefault: RF-GAINMENU M ODE