46 FT-7900R OPERATING MANUALMemory Bank ScanWhen the Memory Bank feature is engaged, the scanner sweeps only memory channels inthe current Memory Bank. However, if the Memory Bank Link Scan feature is enabled, youmay sweep the memory channels in several Memory Banks which you have selected.To enable the Memory Bank Link Scan feature:1. Set the radio to the Memory mode by pressing the [V/M(MW)] key, if necessary.2. Press and hold in the [SCAN(SEL)] key for 1/2 sec-ond, then rotate the DIAL knob to select the first MemoryBank (“BANK 1BANK 1BANK 1BANK 1BANK 1” ~ “BANK20BANK20BANK20BANK20BANK20”) you wish to sweep us-ing Memory Bank Link Scan.3. Press the [SCAN(SEL) key momentarily. The currentMemory Bank will now be swept during Memory BankScan. A “decimal point” will be appended on the Memory Bank number indication.4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above, to append the “decimal point” to any other Memory Banksyou wish to sweep.5. Now, press and hold in the [SCAN(SEL) key for 1/2 second to initiate scanning.6. To remove a Memory Bank from the Memory Bank Link Scan, repeat step 2 and 3above, to delete the “decimal point” from the Memory Bank number indication.Weather Alert ScanThis feature allows you to check a Weather Broadcast Memory Channel while operating ona VFO scan or Memory channel scan.When the Weather Alert Scan feature is engaged, the FT-7900R will check the WeatherBroadcast Memory Channels for activity every five seconds while operating on a VFO scanor Memory channel scan.To enable the Weather Alert Scan feature:1. Press and hold in the [BAND(SET)] key for 1/2 second to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Menu #48 (WX ALTWX ALTWX ALTWX ALTWX ALT).3. Press the [BAND(SET)] key momentarily, then rotatethe DIAL knob to “ALT.ONALT.ONALT.ONALT.ONALT.ON” (to enabling the WeatherAlert Scan feature).4. Press the [BAND(SET)] key momentarily to save thenew setting, then press and hold in the [BAND(SET)]key for 1/2 second to exit to normal operation.5. To disable the Weather Alert Scan feature, select “ALT.OFFALT.OFFALT.OFFALT.OFFALT.OFF” in step 3 above.When the Weather Alert Scan feature is engaged, the Scan-Resume mode is fixedto “TIME.”MEMORY SCANNINGSCANNING