63FT-7900R OPERATING MANUALM ISCELLANEOUS S ETTINGSP ROGRAMMING THE KEY ASSIGNMENTSFor Menu #28 PRG P1 (PRG ACC), #29 PRG P2 (PRG P), #30 PRG P3 (PRG P1), #31 PRG P4 (PRG P2)For Menu #27 PRG PNLPress and hold the [LOW(ACC)] keyRecall the Weather Broadcast Channels.Reverses the transmit and receive frequencies during split-frequency operation.Selects Repeater Shift direction.Disable the noise squelch action, allowing you to hear very weak signals near thebackground noise level.Selects the Key locking schemes. (Short-cut to Menu #21: LOCKLOCKLOCKLOCKLOCK)Sets the display Brightness.Function< WX >< WX >< WX >< WX >< WX >< REV >< REV >< REV >< REV >< REV >< RPTR >< RPTR >< RPTR >< RPTR >< RPTR >< SQ.OF >< SQ.OF >< SQ.OF >< SQ.OF >< SQ.OF >< LOCK >< LOCK >< LOCK >< LOCK >< LOCK >< DIM >< DIM >< DIM >< DIM >< DIM >Function< SQ.OF >< SQ.OF >< SQ.OF >< SQ.OF >< SQ.OF >< TCAL >< TCAL >< TCAL >< TCAL >< TCAL >< SSCH >< SSCH >< SSCH >< SSCH >< SSCH >< ARTS >< ARTS >< ARTS >< ARTS >< ARTS >< TN.FQ >< TN.FQ >< TN.FQ >< TN.FQ >< TN.FQ >< DCSC>< DCSC>< DCSC>< DCSC>< DCSC>< WX >< WX >< WX >< WX >< WX >< RPTR >< RPTR >< RPTR >< RPTR >< RPTR >< PRI >< PRI >< PRI >< PRI >< PRI >< LOW >< LOW >< LOW >< LOW >< LOW >< TONE >< TONE >< TONE >< TONE >< TONE >< MHz >< MHz >< MHz >< MHz >< MHz >< REV >< REV >< REV >< REV >< REV >< HOME >< HOME >< HOME >< HOME >< HOME >< BAND >< BAND >< BAND >< BAND >< BAND >< V< V< V< V< V/M >M >M >M >M >< SCAN >< SCAN >< SCAN >< SCAN >< SCAN >Press the buttonDisable the noise squelch action, allow-ing you to hear very weak signals nearthe background noise level.Activates 1750 Hz Tone Burst.Activate the Smart Search operation.Activate the ARTSTM operation.Select the CTCSS Tone Frequency.(Short-cut to Menu #44: TN FRQTN FRQTN FRQTN FRQTN FRQ)Select the DCS code.(Short-cut to Menu #9: DCS.CODDCS.CODDCS.CODDCS.CODDCS.COD)Recall the Weather Broadcast Channels.Selects Repeater Shift direction.Activates the Priority Channel Scanning(Dual Watch).Selects the transmit power output level.Activates the CTCSS or DCS operation.Allows tuning in 1-MHz step on the VFOfrequency.Reverses the transmit and receive fre-quencies during split-frequency opera-tion.Recall the Home Channel.Switches operating band.Switches frequency control among theVFO, Memory System, and Home chan-nel.Activate the Scanner.Press and hold the buttonDisable the noise squelch action, allow-ing you to hear very weak signals nearthe background noise level.Activates 1750 Hz Tone Burst.Activate the ARTS TM operation.––––Selects Repeater Shift direction.–Recall the Weather Broadcast Channels.Reverses the transmit and receive fre-quencies during split-frequency (re-peater) operation.Activates the Priority Channel Scanning(Dual Watch).Selects Repeater Shift direction.Switch the Memory Channel display be-tween the “Frequency” format and “Al-pha-numeric Tag” format.Enter the Set (“Menu”) mode.Transfer the VFO contents into a Memoryregister.Select the scan mode.