24Function Menu DisplayFUNC keyMULTI keyPress the [FUNC] key to call up the function screen for setting various functions. The setting menu (page 88) isalso called from the function screen. Press again to return to the normal operation screen.Touch a MENU item, or rotate the [MULTI] control knob to make a selection.Operation of the Display MULTI Knob[MULTI] displays the operation of the [MULTI] knob.Normally, it is recommended to adjust the level of the spectrum scope as the [LEVEL] knob control of [S.MENU].The last function used is stored in the [MULTI] control, it can easily set by operating the [MULTI] control.Operation of the MULTI knobMULTI knobThe following settings and operations can be performed with the [MULTI] control.SPEED*: Set Scope Sweep Speed.PEAK*: Adjust the Peak Signal Color Density.MARKER*: ON/OFF Marker indicates the transmitand receive frequency position within theScope Display image.COLOR*: Changes the scope display color.LEVEL*: Adjust the reference level to make it eas-ier to distinguish the scope display targetsignal from the noise.*These items may be called up by pressing the[S.MENU] key.RF POWER: Transmit power settingMONI LEVEL: Monitor level adjustmentDNR LEVEL: DNR level settingNB LEVEL: Noise blanker level settingVOX GAIN: VOX gain settingVOX DELAY: VOX delay settingANTI VOX: Anti-VOX SettingsSTEP DIAL: Frequency change at predeterminedfrequency stepMEM CH: Memory channel selectionGROUP: Memory group selectionR. FIL: Roofing filter bandwidth selection