VX-6E O PERATING M ANUAL 87SET (MENU) M ODEThe VX-6E Set Mode, already described in parts of many previous chapters, is easy toactivate and set. It may be used for configuration of a wide variety of transceiver param-eters, some of which have not been detailed previously. Use the following procedure toactivate the Set Mode:1. Press the [F/W] key, then press the [0(SET)] key to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the Set Mode Item to be ad-justed.3. Press the [0(SET)] key momentarily to enable adjustment ofthe Set Mode Item.4. Rotate the DIAL knob to adjust or select the parameter to bechanged on the Set Mode Item selected in above step.5. After completing your selection and adjustment, press the PTT switch momentarilyto save the new setting and exit to normal operation.Some Set Mode Items (like Set Mode Item 50: TN FRQ) require that the[0(SET)] key be pressed after setting of the parameter, and before exiting tonormal operation.“MY MENU” Short-cut Key SetupIn the factory default, the primary (press key) function of the [ (LK)TXPO] key is set toactivating the Internet Connection feature. However, you may change the primary (presskey) function of the [ (LK)TXPO] key to a short-cut path for recall of one of Set ModeItems.1. Press and hold in the [ (LK)TXPO] key while turning the radio on. This procedureswitches the [ (LK)TXPO] key between the “Internet Connection” function and the“MY MENU” key function.2. Recall the Set Mode Item which you wish to assign to the [ (LK)TXPO] key as aMenu short-cut.3. Press and hold in the [ (LK)TXPO] key for one second to assign the Set Mode Itemto the [ (LK)TXPO] key. “MY KEYMY KEYMY KEYMY KEYMY KEY” will appear on the display, to confirm that thecommand was executed.4. Now, a momentary press of the [ (LK)TXPO] key will immediately recall the se-lected Menu item. You must press the [ (LK)TXPO] key again to exit to normaloperation.