OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS6-36EAU41505Engine break-inWARNINGEWA10322Failure to properly maintain the vehi-cle or performing maintenance ac-tivities incorrectly may increaseyour risk of injury or death duringservice or while using the vehicle. Ifyou are not familiar with vehicle ser-vice, have a Yamaha dealer performservice.1. Before starting the engine, fill thefuel tank with a break-in oil-fuelmixture as follows.2. Start and warm up the engine.Check the operation of the con-trols and the engine stop switch.(See page 4-1.)3. Operate the motorcycle in thelower gears at moderate throttleopenings for five to eight minutes.Stop the engine and check thespark plug condition (see page7-8); it will show a rich conditionduring break-in.4. Allow the engine to cool. Restartthe engine and operate the motor-cycle as in the step above for fiveminutes. Then, very briefly shift tothe higher gears and check thefull-throttle response. Stop the en-gine and check the spark plug.5. After again allowing the engine tocool, restart and run the motorcy-cle for five more minutes. Fullthrottle and the higher gears maybe used, but sustained full-throttleoperation should be avoided.Stop the engine and check thespark plug again.6. Allow the engine to cool, removethe cylinder head and cylinder,and inspect the piston and cylin-der. Remove any high spots onthe piston with #600-grit wetsandpaper. Clean all componentsand carefully reassemble the cyl-inder head and cylinder.7. Drain the break-in oil-fuel mixturefrom the fuel tank and refill withthe specified mix. (See page 4-3.)8. Start the engine and check the op-eration of the motorcycle through-out its entire operating range.Stop the engine and check thespark plug condition. Restart themotorcycle and ride it for about 10to 15 more minutes. The motorcy-cle will now be ready to ride nor-mally.After the engine break-in period, thor-oughly check the motorcycle for looseparts, oil leakage and any other prob-lems. Be sure to inspect and make ad-justments thoroughly, especially cableand drive chain slack and loosespokes. In addition, check all fittingsand fasteners for looseness, and tight-en if necessary.NOTICEECA15561 When any of the following partshave been replaced, they mustbe broken in.Cylinder or crankshaft:About one hour of break-in op-eration is necessary.Piston, rings or transmissiongears:Recommended 2-stroke engine oil:See page 9-1.Mixing ratio (gasoline to oil):15:1