PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT7-167 The tire air pressure must beadjusted in accordance with theweight of the rider, the ridingspeed, and the riding condi-tions.Tire inspectionThe tires must be checked before eachride.NOTICEECA15581 Be sure the bead stoppers aretightened. Loose bead stopperswill cause the tire to slip off therim if tire pressure is too low. Be sure the valve stem is posi-tioned straight. A tilted valvestem indicates that the tire hasslipped from its original positionon the rim. Rotate the tire sothat the valve stem is positionedstraight.If the center tread depth reaches thespecified limit, if the tire has a nail orglass fragments in it, or if the sidewallis cracked, have a Yamaha dealer re-place the tire immediately.Tire informationThis model is equipped with tube tires.Tires age, even if they have not beenused or have only been used occasion-ally. Cracking of the tread and sidewallrubber, sometimes accompanied bycarcass deformation, is an evidence ofageing. Old and aged tires shall bechecked by tire specialists to ascertaintheir suitability for further use.WARNINGEWA10462The front and rear tires should be ofthe same make and design, other-wise the handling characteristics ofthe vehicle may be different, whichcould lead to an accident.After extensive tests, only the tires list-ed below have been approved for thismodel by Yamaha.Standard tire air pressure:Front:100 kPa (1.00 kgf/cm², 15 psi)Rear:100 kPa (1.00 kgf/cm², 15 psi)1. Tire sidewall2. Tire tread depth12Minimum tire tread depth (front andrear):4.0 mm (0.16 in)