LOWR6-47 6F65G11Lower unitShimmingNOTE:9 Shimming is not required when assemblingthe original lower case and inner parts.9 Shimming is required when assembling theoriginal inner parts and a new lower case.9 Shimming is required when replacing theinner part(s).Selecting the pinion shims1. Install the special service tools onto thedrive shaft 1.NOTE:9 Select the shim thickness (T3) by using thespecified measurement(s) and the calcula-tion formula.9 Install the special service tool onto the driveshaft so that the shaft is at the center of thehole.9 Tighten the wing nuts another 1/4 of a turnafter they contact the plate 2.2. Install the pinion and pinion nut, and thentighten the nut to the specified torque.3. Measure the distance (M3) between thespecial service tool and the pinion asshown.4. Calculate the pinion shim thickness (T3)as shown in the examples below.NOTE:“P” is the deviation of the lower case dimen-sion from standard. The “P” mark a isstamped on the trim tab mounting surface ofthe lower case in 0.01 mm units. If the “P”mark is unreadable, assume that “P” is zeroand check the backlash when the unit isassembled.R F P+56F660480aPinion height gauge plate B 2:90890-06712Pinion height gauge 3:90890-06710Pinion nut:74 N·m (7.4 kgf·m, 54.6 ft·lb)Digital caliper 4: 90890-06704Calculation formula:Pinion shim thickness (T3) =M3 – 25.5 – P/100