E4-164) Reinstall the filter element in the cup.Make sure the O-ring in position in thecup. Firmly screw the cup onto the filterhousing 4.5) Attach the filter assembly to the bracketwith that the fuel hoses are attached tothe filter assembly.6) Run the engine and check the filter andlines for leaks.EMU00991ADJUSTING IDLING SPEEDw8 Do not touch or remove electricalparts when starting or during opera-tion.8 Keep hands, hair and clothes awayfrom flywheel and other rotating partswhile engine is running.cCThis procedure must be performed whilethe outboard motor is in the water. Aflushing attachment or test tank can beused.A diagnostic tachometer should be used forthis procedure.1) Start the engine and allow it to warm upfully in Neutral until it is runningsmoothly. If the outboard is mounted ona boat, be sure the boat is tightlymoored.