Maintenance68NOTICEECM00490This procedure must be performed whilethe outboard motor is in the water. A flush-ing attachment or test tank can be used.If the boat is not equipped with a tachometerfor the outboard motor, use a diagnostic ta-chometer for this procedure. Results mayvary depending on whether testing is conduct-ed with the flushing attachment, in a test tank,or with the outboard motor in the water.1. Start the engine and allow it to warm upfully in neutral until it is running smoothly.2. Once the engine has warmed up, verifywhether the idle speed is set to specifica-tion. For idle speed specifications, seepage 9. If you have difficulty verifying theidle speed, or the idle speed requires ad-justment, consult a Yamaha dealer orother qualified mechanic.EMU37494Changing engine oilNOTICEECM01710Change the engine oil after the first 20hours of operation or 3 months, and every100 hours or at 1-year intervals thereafter.Otherwise the engine will wear quickly.The engine oil should be extracted with an oilchanger.1. Put the outboard motor in an upright po-sition (not tilted). NOTICE: If the out-board motor is not level, the oil levelindicated on the oil dipstick may notbe accurate. [ECM01861]2. Start the engine. Warm it up and keep theidle speed for 5-10 minutes.3. Stop the engine and leave it for 5-10 min-utes.4. Remove the top cowling.5. Remove the oil filler cap. Pull out the dip-stick and use the oil changer to extractthe oil completely.6. Add the correct amount of oil through thefiller hole. Put back the filler cap and thedipstick. NOTICE: Overfilling the oilcould cause leakage or damage. If theoil level is above the upper level mark,drain until the level meets the speci-fied capacity. [ECM01850]1. Oil changerZMU061831