Trouble Recovery98en the bolts.10. Install the top cowling.11. Turn the main switch to the “ ” (on) po-sition and check that the water separa-tor-alert indicator remains off and thebuzzer does not sound. If the water sep-arator-alert indicator blinks or the buzzersounds, have your Yamaha dealercheck the outboard motor. NOTICE: Al-though the buzzer will stop when theengine is started and the control leveris moved to the forward or reverseposition, do not use the outboard mo-tor. Otherwise, serious engine dam-age could occur. [ECM02481]EMU33502Treatment of submerged motorIf the outboard motor is submerged, immedi-ately take it to a Yamaha dealer. Otherwisesome corrosion may begin almost immedi-ately. NOTICE: Do not attempt to run theoutboard motor until it has been com-pletely inspected. [ECM00402]