Components31NOTICEECM00661Do not use the tilt support lever or knobwhen trailering the boat. The outboardmotor could shake loose from the tilt sup-port and fall. If the motor cannot betrailered in the normal running position,use an additional support device to se-cure it in the tilt position.EMU40761Cowling lock leverThe cowling lock levers are used to securethe top cowling.EMU40803Flushing deviceThe flushing device is used to clean the cool-ing water passages of the outboard motorusing a garden hose and tap water. For in-structions on using the flushing device, seepage 69.EMU41311Fuel filterThe fuel filter functions to remove foreignmaterial and separate water from the fuel. Ifwater separated from the fuel exceeds aspecific volume, the alert system will acti-vate. For further information, see page 46.1. Cowling lock lever1. Cowling lock lever(s)1 ZMU069091 ZMU069101. Flushing device1ZMU07154