Maintenance53EMU28874Maintenance chart (additional)Idling speed InspectionPCV (Pressure Con-trol Valve) InspectionPower trim and tilt unit InspectionPropeller and cotter pin Inspection / replace-mentShift link / shift cable Inspection / adjustmentThermostat Inspection / replace-mentThrottle link / throttlecable / throttle pick-uptimingInspection / adjustmentWater pump Inspection / replace-mentEngine oil Inspection / changeOil filter (cartridge) ChangeSpark plug(s) Cleaning / adjustment /replacementTiming belt Inspection / replace-mentItem Actions Every500 hours (2.5 years) 1000 hours (5 years)Timing belt ReplacementValve clearance(DOHC) Inspection / adjustmentFuel filter (low-pres-sure fuel pump to va-por separator tank)ReplacementOCV (oil control valve)filter ReplacementAnode(s) (exhaust cov-er, cooling water pas-sage cover, RectifierRegulator cover)ReplacementExhaust guide, exhaustmanifoldInspection / replace-mentItem ActionsInitial Every10 hours(1 month)50 hours(3 months)100 hours(6 months)200 hours(1 year)