Operation48EMU27885Adjusting trim angle (Power trim andtilt)WARNINGEWM00753● Be sure all people are clear of the out-board motor when adjusting the trimangle. Body parts can be crushed be-tween the motor and the clamp bracketwhen the motor is trimmed or tilted.● Use caution when trying a trim positionfor the first time. Increase speed gradu-ally and watch for any signs of instabil-ity or control problems. Improper trimangle can cause loss of control.● If equipped with a power trim and tiltswitch located on the bottom cowling,use the switch only when the boat is ata complete stop with the engine off. Donot adjust the trim angle with thisswitch while the boat is moving.Adjust the outboard motor trim angle usingthe power trim and tilt switch.To raise the bow (trim-out), press the switch“ ” (up).To lower the bow (trim-in), press the switch“ ” (down).Make test runs with the trim set to differentangles to find the position that works best foryour boat and operating conditions.EMU27911Adjusting boat trimWhen the boat is on plane, a bow-up attituderesults in less drag, greater stability and effi-ciency. This is generally when the keel line ofthe boat is up about 3 to 5 degrees. With thebow up, the boat may have a greater tenden-cy to steer to one side or the other. Compen-sate for this as you steer. The trim tab canalso be adjusted to help offset this effect.When the bow of the boat is down, it is easierto accelerate from a standing start ontoplane.1. Power trim and tilt switchZMU02811UPDN