INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-193EAU39450Fuel tank breather/overflowhoseBefore operating the motorcycle: Check the fuel tank breather/over-flow hose connection. Check the fuel tank breather/over-flow hose for cracks or damage,and replace it if damaged. Make sure that the end of the fueltank breather/overflow hose is notblocked, and clean it if necessary.EAU13441Catalytic converterThis vehicle is equipped with catalyticconverters in the exhaust system.WARNINGEWA10860The exhaust system is hot after op-eration. Make sure that the exhaustsystem has cooled down before do-ing any maintenance work.CAUTION:ECA10700The following precautions must beobserved to prevent a fire hazard orother damages. Use only unleaded gasoline.The use of leaded gasoline willcause unrepairable damage tothe catalytic converter. Never park the vehicle near pos-sible fire hazards such as grassor other materials that easilyburn. Do not allow the engine to idletoo long.EAU39491SeatsPassenger seatTo remove the passenger seat1. Insert the key into the seat lock,and then turn it counterclockwise.2. Lift the front of the passenger seatand pull it forward.To install the passenger seat1. Insert the projections on the rear ofthe passenger seat into the seatholders as shown, and then pushthe front of the seat down to lock itin place.1. Fuel tank breather/overflow hose1. Passenger seat lock2. Unlock.