PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-206“broken in”. Therefore, it is ad-visable before doing any high-speed riding to ride conserva-tively for approximately 100 km(60 mi) after installing a new tire. The tires must be warmed upbefore a high-speed run. Always adjust the tire air pres-sure according to the operatingconditions.EAU21960Cast wheelsTo maximize the performance, durabil-ity, and safe operation of your vehicle,note the following points regarding thespecified wheels. The wheel rims should be checkedfor cracks, bends or warpage be-fore each ride. If any damage isfound, have a Yamaha dealer re-place the wheel. Do not attempteven the smallest repair to thewheel. A deformed or crackedwheel must be replaced. The wheel should be balancedwhenever either the tire or wheelhas been changed or replaced. Anunbalanced wheel can result inpoor performance, adverse han-dling characteristics, and a short-ened tire life. Ride at moderate speeds afterchanging a tire since the tire sur-face must first be “broken in” for itto develop its optimal characteris-tics.EAU22072Clutch leverSince this model is equipped with a hy-draulic clutch, adjusting the clutch leverfree play is not needed. However, it isnecessary to check the clutch fluid leveland check the hydraulic system forleakage before each ride. If the clutchlever free play does become excessive,and shifting becomes rough or clutchslippage occurs, causing poor acceler-ation, there may be air in the clutch sys-tem. If there is air in the hydraulicsystem, have a Yamaha dealer bleedthe system before operating the motor-cycle.