PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-346EAU27011Replacing an auxiliary lightbulbThis model is equipped with two auxil-iary lights. If an auxiliary light bulb burnsout, replace it as follows.1. Remove panel D (if replacing theleft auxiliary light bulb) or panel C(if replacing the right auxiliary lightbulb). (See page 6-5.)2. Remove the auxiliary light socket(together with the bulb) by turningthe socket counterclockwise.3. Remove the defective bulb by pull-ing it out.4. Insert a new bulb into the socket.5. Install the auxiliary light socket (to-gether with the bulb) by pushing itin and turning it clockwise.6. Install the panel.EAU25870TroubleshootingAlthough Yamaha motorcycles receivea thorough inspection before shipmentfrom the factory, trouble may occur dur-ing operation. Any problem in the fuel,compression, or ignition systems, forexample, can cause poor starting andloss of power.The following troubleshooting chartsrepresent quick and easy proceduresfor checking these vital systems your-self. However, should your motorcyclerequire any repair, take it to a Yamahadealer, whose skilled technicians havethe necessary tools, experience, andknow-how to service the motorcycleproperly.Use only genuine Yamaha replace-ment parts. Imitation parts may look likeYamaha parts, but they are often inferi-or, have a shorter service life and canlead to expensive repair bills.1. Auxiliary light bulb socket1. Auxiliary light bulb socket2. Auxiliary light bulb