OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS5-251. Turn the key to “ON” and makesure that the engine stop switch isset to “ ”. ECA00108CAUTION:_The oil level warning light, coolanttemperature warning light and fuellevel warning light should come onfor a few seconds, then go off. If awarning light does not go off, have aYamaha dealer check the electricalcircuit._2. Shift the transmission into the neu-tral position.NOTE:_When the transmission is in the neutralposition, the neutral indicator lightshould be on, otherwise have aYamaha dealer check the electrical cir-cuit._3. Turn the starter (choke) on andcompletely close the throttle. (Seepage 3-10 for starter (choke) oper-ation.)4. Start the engine by pushing thestart switch.NOTE:_If the engine fails to start, release thestart switch, wait a few seconds, andthen try again. Each starting attemptshould be as short as possible to pre-serve the battery. Do not crank the en-gine more than 10 seconds on any oneattempt._ECA00116CAUTION:_ If the oil level warning light flick-ers or remains on after starting,immediately stop the engine,and then check the engine oillevel and the vehicle for oil leak-age. If necessary, add engineoil, and then check the warninglight again. If, when the key isturned to “ON”, the warninglight does not come on for a fewseconds, then go off, or if itdoes not go off after startingwith sufficient engine oil, have aYamaha dealer check the elec-trical circuit. If the coolant temperature warn-ing light flickers or remains onafter starting, immediately stopthe engine, and then check thecoolant level and the vehicle forcoolant leakage. If necessary,add coolant, and then check thewarning light again. If, when thekey is turned to “ON”, the warn-ing light does not come on for afew seconds, then go off, or if itdoes not go off after startingwith sufficient coolant, have aYamaha dealer check the elec-trical circuit. If the fuel level warning light re-mains on after starting, stop theengine, and then check the fuellevel. If necessary, refuel assoon as possible, and thencheck the warning light again.If, when the key is turned to“ON”, the warning light doesU5LV12.book Page 2 Thursday, June 27, 2002 5:49 PM