PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-456EAU03895To install the rear wheel1. Place the wheel and the brake cal-iper bracket in the original position.2. Insert the wheel axle through thebrake caliper bracket and wheelfrom the right-hand side, and theninstall the axle nut.3. Install the drive chain onto the rearsprocket, and then adjust the drivechain slack. (See page 6-31 fordrive chain slack adjustment pro-cedures.)4. Connect the brake torque rod tothe brake caliper bracket by in-stalling the bolt and the nut.5. Install the brake caliper by install-ing the bolts.NOTE:_Make sure that there is enough spacebetween the brake pads before install-ing the brake caliper onto the brakedisc._6. Take the motorcycle off the cen-terstand so that the rear wheel ison the ground.7. Tighten the axle nut, brake caliperbolts and brake torque rod nut tothe specified torques.EAU03087TroubleshootingAlthough Yamaha motorcycles receivea thorough inspection before shipmentfrom the factory, trouble may occur dur-ing operation. Any problem in the fuel,compression, or ignition systems, forexample, can cause poor starting andloss of power.The following troubleshooting chartsrepresent quick and easy proceduresfor checking these vital systems your-self. However, should your motorcyclerequire any repair, take it to a Yamahadealer, whose skilled technicians havethe necessary tools, experience, andknow-how to service the motorcycleproperly.Use only genuine Yamaha replace-ment parts. Imitation parts may looklike Yamaha parts, but they are ofteninferior, have a shorter service life andcan lead to expensive repair bills.Tightening torques:Axle nut:150 Nm (15.0 m·kgf, 108 ft·lbf)Brake caliper bolt:40 Nm (4.0 m·kgf, 29 ft·lbf)Brake torque rod nut:23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) Page 45 Thursday, June 27, 2002 5:49 PM