INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS4-94EAU12711Start switch “ ”Push this switch to crank the enginewith the starter. See page 6-1 for start-ing instructions prior to starting the en-gine.EAU41700The engine trouble warning light willcome on when the key is turned to “ON”and the start switch is pushed, but thisdoes not indicate a malfunction.EAU12820Clutch leverThe clutch lever is located at the lefthandlebar grip. To disengage theclutch, pull the lever toward the handle-bar grip. To engage the clutch, releasethe lever. The lever should be pulledrapidly and released slowly for smoothclutch operation.The clutch lever is equipped with aclutch switch, which is part of the igni-tion circuit cut-off system. (See page4-18.)EAU12871Shift pedalThe shift pedal is located on the leftside of the motorcycle and is used incombination with the clutch lever whenshifting the gears of the 6-speed con-stant-mesh transmission equipped onthis motorcycle.1. Clutch lever11. Shift pedal1