PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT7-207 Use only the tire valves andvalve cores listed below toavoid tire deflation during ahigh-speed ride.After extensive tests, only the tires list-ed below have been approved for thismodel by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.WARNINGEWA10600This motorcycle is fitted with super-high-speed tires. Note the followingpoints in order to make the most ef-ficient use of these tires. Use only the specified replace-ment tires. Other tires may runthe danger of bursting at superhigh speeds. Brand-new tires can have a rela-tively poor grip on certain roadsurfaces until they have been“broken in”. Therefore, it is ad-visable before doing any high-speed riding to ride conserva-tively for approximately 100 km(60 mi) after installing a new tire. The tires must be warmed upbefore a high-speed run. Always adjust the tire air pres-sure according to the operatingconditions.EAU21962Cast wheelsTo maximize the performance, durabil-ity, and safe operation of your vehicle,note the following points regarding thespecified wheels. The wheel rims should be checkedfor cracks, bends, warpage or oth-er damage before each ride. If anydamage is found, have a Yamahadealer replace the wheel. Do notattempt even the smallest repair tothe wheel. A deformed or crackedwheel must be replaced. The wheel should be balancedwhenever either the tire or wheelhas been changed or replaced. Anunbalanced wheel can result inpoor performance, adverse han-dling characteristics, and a short-ened tire life.Front tire:Size:120/70 ZR17M/C (58W)Manufacturer/model:BRIDGESTONE/BT021F BBRear tire:Size:180/55 ZR17M/C (73W)Manufacturer/model:BRIDGESTONE/BT021R BBFRONT and REAR:Tire air valve:TR412Valve core:#9100 (original)