Instrument and control functions5-312345678910111213EAU66040Turn signal switch “ / ”To signal a right-hand turn, push thisswitch to “ ”. To signal a left-handturn, push this switch to “ ”. When re-leased, the switch returns to the centerposition. To cancel the turn signallights, push the switch in after it has re-turned to the center position.EAU66030Horn switch “ ”Press this switch to sound the horn.EAU94790Stop/Run/Start switch “ / / ”To crank the engine with the starter, setthis switch to “ ”, and then push theswitch down towards “ ”. See page7-2 for starting instructions prior tostarting the engine.Set this switch to “ ” to stop the enginein case of an emergency, such as whenthe vehicle overturns.EAU91670Hazard switch “ ”Use this switch to turn on the hazardlights (simultaneous flashing of all turnsignal lights). The hazard lights areused in case of an emergency or towarn other drivers when your vehicle isstopped where it might be a traffic haz-ard.The hazard lights can be turned on oroff only when the key is in the “ON” po-sition. You can turn the main switch tothe “OFF” or “LOCK” position, and thehazard lights will continue to flash. Toturn off the hazard lights, turn the mainswitch to the “ON” position and operatethe hazard switch again.NOTICEECA10062Do not use the hazard lights for anextended length of time with the en-gine not running, otherwise the bat-tery may discharge.EAU94151Cruise control/YVSL switchesSee page 4-6 for an explanation of thecruise control system.See page 4-8 for an explanation of theYVSL.EAU93623“MODE” and select switchesUse the “MODE” switch, the MODE up“ ” switch and the MODE down “ ”switch to change YRC modes or editthe PWR, TCS, and SCS settings fromthe main screen.MODE up “ ” - push this switch tochange the selected YRC setting up-ward.“MODE” - push this switch to scroll leftto right among the MODE, PWR, TCS,and SCS.MODE down “ ” - push this switch tochange the selected YRC settingdownward.TIP The traction control system canonly be turned off from the mainscreen. Select TCS with the“MODE” switch, then push andhold the MODE up “ ” switch un-