Instrument and control functions5-2812345678910111213EAU13077Fuel tank capTo open the fuel tank capOpen the fuel tank cap lock cover, in-sert the key, and then turn it 1/4 turnclockwise. The lock will be releasedand the fuel tank cap can be opened.To close the fuel tank capWith the key still inserted, push downthe fuel tank cap. Turn the key 1/4 turncounterclockwise, remove it, and thenclose the lock cover.TIPThe fuel tank cap cannot be closed un-less the key is in the lock. In addition,the key cannot be removed if the cap isnot properly closed and locked.WARNINGEWA11092Make sure that the fuel tank cap isproperly closed after filling fuel.Leaking fuel is a fire hazard.EAU13222FuelMake sure there is sufficient gasoline inthe tank.WARNINGEWA10882Gasoline and gasoline vapors areextremely flammable. To avoid firesand explosions and to reduce therisk of injury when refueling, followthese instructions.1. Before refueling, turn off the en-gine and be sure that no one is sit-ting on the vehicle. Never refuelwhile smoking, or while in the vi-cinity of sparks, open flames, orother sources of ignition such asthe pilot lights of water heaters andclothes dryers.2. Do not overfill the fuel tank. Whenrefueling, be sure to insert thepump nozzle into the fuel tank fillerhole. Stop filling when the fuelreaches the bottom of the fillertube. Because fuel expands whenit heats up, heat from the engine orthe sun can cause fuel to spill outof the fuel tank.1. Fuel tank cap lock cover2. Unlock.222 11