INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-143RightEAU12351Pass switch “ ”Press this switch to flash the headlight.EAU12401Dimmer switch “ / ”Set this switch to “ ” for the highbeam and to “ ” for the low beam.EAU12461Turn signal switch “ / ”To signal a right-hand turn, push thisswitch to “ ”. To signal a left-handturn, push this switch to “ ”. Whenreleased, the switch returns to the cen-ter position. To cancel the turn signallights, push the switch in after it has re-turned to the center position.EAU12501Horn switch “ ”Press this switch to sound the horn.EAU54211Start/Engine stop switch “ / / ”To crank the engine with the starter,set this switch to “ ”, and then pushthe “ ” side of the switch. See page5-1 for starting instructions prior tostarting the engine.Set this switch to “ ” to stop the en-gine in case of an emergency, such aswhen the vehicle overturns or when thethrottle cable is stuck.EAU41701The engine trouble warning light willcome on when the key is turned to“ON” and the start switch is pushed,but this does not indicate a malfunc-tion.EAU12734Hazard switch “ ”With the key in the “ON” or “ ” posi-tion, use this switch to turn on the haz-ard lights (simultaneous flashing of allturn signal lights).The hazard lights are used in case of anemergency or to warn other driverswhen your vehicle is stopped where itmight be a traffic hazard.NOTICEECA10062Do not use the hazard lights for anextended length of time with the en-gine not running, otherwise the bat-tery may discharge.EAU47496Drive mode switch “MODE”WARNINGEWA15341Do not change the D-mode while thevehicle is moving.Using this switch changes the drivemode to “STD”, “A”, or “B” in the fol-lowing order:STD → A → B → STD1. Start/Engine stop switch “ / / ”2. Drive mode switch “MODE”3. Hazard switch “ ”123