PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT6-206EAU57070Brake light switchesFor non-ABS modelsThe brake light, which is activated bythe brake pedal and brake lever,should come on just before brakingtakes effect. If necessary, adjust therear brake light switch as follows, butthe front brake light switch should beadjusted by a Yamaha dealer.Turn the rear brake light switch adjust-ing nut while holding the rear brakelight switch in place. To make thebrake light come on earlier, turn the ad-justing nut in direction (a). To make thebrake light come on later, turn the ad-justing nut in direction (b).For ABS modelsThe brake light, which is activated bythe brake pedal and brake lever,should come on just before brakingtakes effect. If necessary, have aYamaha dealer adjust the brake lightswitches.EAU22393Checking the front and rearbrake padsThe front and rear brake pads must bechecked for wear at the intervals spec-ified in the periodic maintenance andlubrication chart.EAU36891Front brake padsEach front brake pad is provided withwear indicators, which allows you tocheck the brake pad wear without hav-ing to disassemble the brake. To checkthe brake pad wear, check the positionof the wear indicators while applyingthe brake. If a brake pad has worn tothe point that a wear indicator almost1. Rear brake light switch2. Rear brake light switch adjusting nut1 2(b)(a)1. Brake pad wear indicator11