PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT6-306burns. Avoid any contact withskin, eyes or clothing and al-ways shield your eyes whenworking near batteries. In caseof contact, administer the fol-lowing FIRST AID.• EXTERNAL: Flush with plentyof water.• INTERNAL: Drink large quan-tities of water or milk and im-mediately call a physician.• EYES: Flush with water for 15minutes and seek promptmedical attention. Batteries produce explosive hy-drogen gas. Therefore, keepsparks, flames, cigarettes, etc.,away from the battery and pro-vide sufficient ventilation whencharging it in an enclosedspace. KEEP THIS AND ALL BATTER-IES OUT OF THE REACH OFCHILDREN.To charge the batteryHave a Yamaha dealer charge the bat-tery as soon as possible if it seems tohave discharged. Keep in mind that thebattery tends to discharge more quick-ly if the vehicle is equipped with op-tional electrical accessories.NOTICEECA16522To charge a VRLA (Valve RegulatedLead Acid) battery, a special (con-stant-voltage) battery charger is re-quired. Using a conventional batterycharger will damage the battery.To store the battery1. If the vehicle will not be used formore than one month, remove thebattery, fully charge it, and thenplace it in a cool, dry place.NOTICE: When removing thebattery, be sure the key isturned to “OFF”, then discon-nect the negative lead beforedisconnecting the positive lead.[ECA16303]2. If the battery will be stored formore than two months, check it atleast once a month and fully char-ge it if necessary.3. Fully charge the battery beforeinstallation. NOTICE: When in-stalling the battery, be sure thekey is turned to “OFF”, thenconnect the positive lead beforeconnecting the negative lead.[ECA16841]4. After installation, make sure thatthe battery leads are properly con-nected to the battery terminals.NOTICEECA16531Always keep the battery charged.Storing a discharged battery cancause permanent battery damage.