Instrument and control functions4-74When the battery level is below 11%,the icon will turn red and flash continu-ously.Smartphone connectivity indicatoricon “ ”This icon comes on when a smart-phone is successfully connected to theCCU.Incoming call/message indicatoriconsThe incoming call indicator icon ap-pears when the connected smart-phone receives a call. It will remain onfor 30 seconds.The incoming message indicator iconappears when the connected smart-phone receives an SMS, E-mail or oth-er notification. It will remain on for 10seconds.TIP Only one indicator icon can be ac-tive in this location on the displayat a time. The incoming call indica-tor icon has priority Notifications must be setup foreach application on the connect-ed smartphone in advance.Missed call indicator icon “ ”The missed call indicator icon comeson when the connected smartphonemisses a call. It will remain on until thevehicle power is turned off or until“Cancel Notification” is selected in the“Telephone” section of the menu sys-tem. (See page 4-11.)Unread message indicator icon “ ”The unread message indicator iconcomes on when the connected smart-phone receives a message. It will re-main on until the vehicle power isturned off or until “Cancel Notification”is selected in the “Message” section ofthe menu system. (See page 4-11.)Information displayThe vehicle information display can beset to show the following items: “ODO”: odometer “COOLANT”: coolant temperature “TRIP 1”: tripmeter 1 “TRIP 2”: tripmeter 2 “TRIP F”: fuel reserve tripmeter “INST FUEL”: current fuel con-sumption1. Incoming call indicator11. Incoming message indicator1