Periodic maintenance and adjustment7-1275. If the coolant is at or below theminimum level mark, remove thecoolant reservoir cap protector byremoving the bolt then remove thecoolant reservoir cap.6. Add coolant to the maximum levelmark, and then install the coolantreservoir cap. WARNING! Re-move only the coolant reservoircap. Never attempt to removethe radiator cap when the en-gine is hot. [EWA15162] NOTICE: Ifcoolant is not available, use dis-tilled water or soft tap water in-stead. Do not use hard water orsalt water since it is harmful tothe engine. If water has beenused instead of coolant, replaceit with coolant as soon as possi-ble, otherwise the cooling sys-tem will not be protectedagainst frost and corrosion. Ifwater has been added to thecoolant, have a Yamaha dealercheck the antifreeze content ofthe coolant as soon as possible,otherwise the effectiveness ofthe coolant will be reduced.[ECA10473]7. Install the coolant reservoir capprotector.8. Install the cowling.EAU33032Changing the coolantThe coolant must be changed at the in-tervals specified in the periodic main-tenance and lubrication chart. Have aYamaha dealer change the coolant.WARNING! Never attempt to removethe radiator cap when the engine ishot. [EWA10382]1. Coolant reservoir cap protector1. Coolant reservoir capZAUE3891Coolant reservoir capacity (up tothe maximum level mark):0.15 L (0.16 US qt, 0.13 Imp.qt)