Control functionsRebound damping setting:Minimum (soft):22 click(s) in direction (a)*Maximum (hard):0 click(s) in direction (b)** With the adjustment dial in the stan-dard positionRX10RTRThe compression damping force can be ad-justed by turning the adjusting screw.To increase the compression damping force,turn the adjusting screw in direction (a). Todecrease the compression damping force,turn the adjusting screw in direction (b).1 . Compression damping force adjustingscrewECS00300CAUTION:• Do not continue to turn the adjustingscrew in direction (a) after it stops. Theshock absorber can be damaged anddamping force adjustments cannot bemade.• Do not turn the adjusting screw in direc-tion (b) more than 20 click(s). Even if theadjusting screw is continually turned af-ter 20 click(s), there will be no change inthe damping force.• Be sure to stop the adjusting screw at aposition where there is a click.ESU11040Adjusting the control rodsThe weight transfer can be adjusted by turn-ing the control rod adjuster or adjusting nut.RX10R / RX10LT1. Loosen the locknut.2. Turn the control rod adjuster in direction(a) to increase weight transfer or direction(b) to decrease weight transfer.1 . Locknut2. Control rod adjusterEWS00180Never adjust the control rod beyond therange of the scale on the special wrench.3. Check the control rod adjuster length us-ing the scale on the special wrench in-cluded in the owner’s tool kit as shown.Make sure that the rim of the control rodbody is within the range of the scale.Compression damping setting:Minimum (soft):20 click(s) in direction (b)*Standard:11 click(s) in direction (b)*Maximum (hard):1 click(s) in direction (b)** With the adjusting screw fully turnedlightly in direction (a)28