Periodic maintenance2. Rotate the secondary sliding sheaveclockwise and push it so that it separatesfrom the secondary fixed sheave.1. Secondary sliding sheave2. Secondary fixed sheave3. Pull the V-belt up over the secondaryfixed sheave.1 . Edge of the secondary sheave assembly2. V-belt positionStandard V-belt position:From 1.5 mm (0.06 in) above the edgeof the secondary sheave assembly to0.5 mm (0.02 in) below the edge.1 .4.5.V-beltRemove the V-belt from the secondarysheave assembly and primary sheaveassembly.Temporarily install the new V-belt on thesecondary sheave assembly only, andthen measure the V-belt position. Do notforce the V-belt between the sheaves; thesecondary sliding and fixed sheavesmust touch each other.6. If the V-belt position is incorrect, adjust itby removing or adding a spacer on eachV-belt position adjusting bolt.59