E5-8EMU00438ENGINE FAILS TO OPERATEIf the engine speed becomes erratic or theengine stops unexpectedly, or if theengine does not start, the following emer-gency circuit procedure may allow you toreturn to port for repairs.Before using this procedure, be sure tocheck the “TROUBLESHOOTING” section.Eliminate causes such as low fuel or over-heating before using this procedure.wWhen the emergency circuit is used, theengine may run faster than normal atidling and low speeds. Be preparedslightly increased speeds when operatingat low throttle settings.cC8 This emergency circuit should only beused long enough to return to port forrepairs. Do not continue to operate theengine without getting repairs.8 Do not operate the engine over3,500 r/min while using the emergencycircuit because ignition timing and fuelinjection settings will not adjust forhigher speed operation. Engine dam-age can result from higher enginespeed.