E4-3cCDo not use the tilt support lever/knobwhen trailering the boat. The outboardmotor could shake loose from the tiltsupport and fall. If the motor can not betrailered in the down position, use anadditional support device to secure it inthe up position.EMU00332STORING OUTBOARD MOTORWhen storing your Yamaha outboard forprolonged periods of time, (2 months orlonger), several important proceduresmust be performed to prevent expensivedamage. This is especially important foryour Precision Blend equipped outboarddue to the lean oil ratios used at idle priorto shutting the engine off for the season.It is advisable to have your outboard ser-viced by an authorized Yamaha dealerprior to storage. However, the followingprocedures can be performed by you, theowner, with a minimum of tools.cCDo not use any chemical goods contain-ing Silicon, Phosphorus or Lead.Otherwise, the oxygen sensor forElectronic Fuel Injection system could bedamaged. For the detail, consult yourYamaha dealer to use chemical goods forstorage.