Instrument and control functions4-4123456789101112one after the other and then disap-pear, in order to test the electricalcircuit. To switch the speedometer andodometer/tripmeter displays be-tween miles and kilometers, pressthe “SELECT” button for at leasttwo seconds.SpeedometerThe speedometer shows the ridingspeed.Odometer and tripmeter modesThe odometer shows the total distancetraveled.The tripmeters (top and bottom) showthe distance traveled since they last re-set and the fuel reserve tripmetershows the distance traveled since thefuel level warning light came on.TIP The odometer will lock at 999999. The tripmeter (top) will reset after999.9 is reached. The tripmeter (bottom) will resetafter 999999.9 is reached. The tripmeter (top) shows on thedisplay all the time, even if the trip-meter (bottom) is not showing.In normal operation, when the “SE-LECT” button is pushed the tripmeter“TRIP (top)” flashes or the displayswitches between the odometer “ODO”mode and the tripmeter “TRIP (bot-tom)” mode in the following order:“ODO” “TRIP (bottom)” “ODO”When approximately 1.8 L (0.48 US gal,0.40 of fuel remains in the fueltank, the fuel level warning indicatorflashes and the odometer “ODO” or trip-meter “TRIP (bottom)” automaticallychanges to the fuel reserve tripmetermode “F-TRIP” and starts counting thedistance traveled from that point.In this case, pushing the “SELECT” but-ton flashes the tripmeter “TRIP (top)” orswitches the display between the fuelreserve tripmeter “F-TRIP”, tripmeter“TRIP (botttom)”, and the odometer“ODO” in the following order:“F-TRIP” “TRIP (bottom)” “ODO” “F-TRIP”To reset a tripmeter, push the “SE-LECT” button to select the tripmeteryou want to reset (the selected tripme-ter will flash). Push the “RESET” buttonfor one second within the five secondsof flashing to reset that tripmeter.If you do not reset the fuel reserve trip-meter manually, it will reset itself auto-matically and the display will return tothe prior mode after refueling and trav-eling 5 km (3 mi).TIPThe display cannot be switched back to“F-TRIP” after the fuel reserve tripmeterhas been reset.1. Fuel reserve tripmeter1