Instrument and control functions4-12123456789101112flame or other high heat source.This may cause the unit to ex-plode due to excessive gaspressure. Do not deform or damage thecylinder in any way. Cylinderdamage will result in poordamping performance. Do not dispose of a damaged orworn-out shock absorber as-sembly yourself. Take the shockabsorber assembly to a Yamahadealer for any service.EAU15306SidestandThe sidestand is located on the left sideof the frame. Raise the sidestand orlower it with your foot while holding thevehicle upright.TIPThe built-in sidestand switch is part ofthe ignition circuit cut-off system, whichcuts the ignition in certain situations.(See the following section for an expla-nation of the ignition circuit cut-off sys-tem.)WARNINGEWA10242The vehicle must not be ridden withthe sidestand down, or if the sides-tand cannot be properly moved up(or does not stay up), otherwise thesidestand could contact the groundand distract the operator, resultingin a possible loss of control.Yamaha’s ignition circuit cut-offsystem has been designed to assistthe operator in fulfilling the respon-sibility of raising the sidestand be-fore starting off. Therefore, checkthis system regularly and have aYamaha dealer repair it if it does notfunction properly.