2-12EBU17431SAFETY INFORMATIONEBU17465AN ATV IS NOT A TOY AND CAN BE HAZARD-OUS TO OPERATE.An ATV handles differently from other vehicles, in-cluding motorcycles and cars. A collision or roll-over can occur quickly, even during routinemaneuvers such as turning and riding on hills orover obstacles, if you fail to take proper precau-tions.SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH can result if you donot follow these instructions:● Read this manual and all labels carefully and fol-low the operating procedures described.● Never operate an ATV without proper training orinstruction. Take a training course. Beginnersshould receive training from a certified instruc-tor. Contact an authorized ATV dealer to find outabout the training courses nearest you.● Always follow the age recommendation:– A child under 16 years old should never oper-ate an ATV with engine size greater than 90 cc.● Never allow a child under age 16 to operate anATV without adult supervision, and never allowcontinued use of an ATV by a child if he or shedoes not have the abilities to operate it safely.● Never carry a passenger on an ATV.● This vehicle is intended for off-road use only. Donot operate on any paved surfaces such as:sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, paved roads,public streets or other motorway.● Watch carefully for other vehicles when operat-ing on unpaved public streets or roads. Makesure you know your country’s laws and regula-tions before you ride on unpaved public streetsor roads.● Never operate an ATV without wearing an ap-proved motorcycle helmet that fits properly. Youshould also wear eye protection (goggles or faceshield), gloves, boots, a long-sleeved shirt or ajacket, and long pants.● Never consume alcohol or drugs before or whileoperating this ATV.