7-187CROSSING A SLOPEWARNINGEWB01632Improperly crossing hills or turning on hillscould cause loss of control or cause the ATV tooverturn.● Always follow proper procedures as de-scribed in the Owner’s Manual.● Avoid hills with excessively slippery or loosesurfaces.● Avoid crossing the side of a steep hill.● Shift your weight to the uphill side of theATV.● Never attempt to turn the ATV around on anyhill until you have mastered the turning tech-nique as described in the Owner’s Manual onlevel ground. Be very careful when turningon any hill.Traversing a sloping surface on your ATV requiresyou to properly position your weight to maintainproper balance. Be sure that you have learned thebasic riding skills on flat ground before attemptingto cross a sloping surface. Avoid slopes with slip-pery surfaces or rough terrain that may upset yourbalance.As you travel across a slope, lean your body in theuphill direction. It may be necessary to correct thesteering when riding on loose surfaces by pointingthe front wheels slightly uphill. When riding onslopes, be sure not to make sharp turns either upor down hill.If your ATV does begin to tip over, gradually steerin the downhill direction if there are no obstacles inyour path. As you regain proper balance, graduallysteer again in the direction you wish to travel.