7-217cident. Be sure to keep your feet firmly mounted onthe footrests at all times. Avoid jumping the ATV asloss of control and damage to the ATV may result.SLIDING AND SKIDDINGWARNINGEWB01662Skidding or sliding improperly may cause youto lose control of this ATV. You may also re-gain traction unexpectedly, which may causethe ATV to overturn.● Learn to safely control skidding or sliding bypracticing at low speeds and on level,smooth terrain.● On extremely slippery surfaces, such as ice,go slowly and be very cautious in order to re-duce the chance of skidding or sliding out ofcontrol.Care should be used when riding on loose or slip-pery surfaces since the ATV may slide. If unex-pected and uncorrected, sliding could lead to anaccident.To reduce the tendency for the front wheels to slidein loose or slippery conditions, positioning yourweight over the front wheels will sometimes help.If the rear wheels of your ATV start to slide side-ways, control can usually be regained (if there isroom to do so) by steering in the direction of theslide. Applying the brakes or accelerating is notrecommended until you have corrected the slide.