6-46TIPWhen in reverse, the reverse indicator light shouldbe on. If the indicator light does not come on, havea Yamaha dealer check the electrical circuit.5. Check behind you for people or obstacles,and then release the brake pedal.6. Open the throttle lever gradually and releasethe clutch lever slowly. Continue to watch tothe rear while backing.WARNINGEWB00720Improper operation in reverse could make youhit an obstacle or even a person behind you,resulting in serious injury. When you shift intoreverse, make sure there are no people or ob-stacles behind you. When it is safe to proceed,go slowly.EBU20530ShiftingThis ATV has a 6-speed forward and 1-speed re-verse transmission. The transmission allows youto control the amount of power you have availableat a given speed or for starting, accelerating, climb-ing hills, etc.To shift into neutral, return the throttle lever to theclosed position, apply the clutch, and then repeat-edly depress the shift pedal until it stops.When it stops, it will be in first gear. Raise the pedalslightly to reach the neutral position.EBU20590To start out and accelerate1. Release the throttle lever, and then releasethe parking brake.1. Shift pedal2. Neutral position