7-217NOTICEECB00240After riding your ATV in water, be sure to drainthe trapped water by removing the check hoseat the bottom of the air filter case. Wash theATV in fresh water if it has been operated insalt water or muddy conditions.RIDING OVER ROUGH TERRAINRiding over rough terrain should be done with cau-tion. Look out for obstacles which could causedamage to the ATV or could lead to an upset or ac-cident. Be sure to keep your feet firmly mounted onthe footboards at all times. Avoid jumping the ATVas loss of control and damage to the ATV may re-sult.WARNINGEWB01650Before operating in a new area, check for ob-stacles. Never attempt to ride over large obsta-cles, such as large rocks or fallen trees. When1. Air filter case check hose