7-27EBU21613GETTING TO KNOW YOUR ATVThis ATV is intended for recreational use by expe-rienced operators only. Even if you are an experi-enced operator of all other all terrain ATVs ormotorcycles, riding the ATV requires special skillsacquired through practice. Take your time to fullylearn techniques before attempting more difficultmaneuvers.Riding your new ATV can be a very enjoyable ac-tivity, providing you with hours of pleasure. But it isessential to familiarize yourself with the operationof the ATV to achieve the skill necessary to enjoyriding safely. Before you begin to ride, be sure youhave read this Owner’s Manual completely and un-derstand the operation of the controls. Pay partic-ular attention to the safety information on pages1-1–1-4. Please also read all notice and warninglabels on your ATV.RIDE WITH CARE AND GOOD JUDGEMENTGet training if you are inexperienced.Beginners should get training from a certified in-structor.Become familiar with this ATV at slow speeds first,even if you are an experienced operator. Do not at-tempt to operate at maximum performance untilyou are totally familiar with the ATV’s handling andperformance characteristics.WARNINGEWB01380Never operate this ATV without proper instruc-tion. Beginning and inexperienced operatorsshould regularly practice the skills and the op-erating techniques described in this Owner’sManual. The risk of an accident is greatly in-creased if the operator does not know how tooperate the ATV properly in different situationsand on different types of terrain.Riding your ATV requires skills acquiredthrough practice over a period of time.Take the time to learn the basic techniques wellbefore attempting more difficult maneuvers.