OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS5-35EAU41502Engine break-in1. Before starting the engine, fill thefuel tank with a break-in oil-fuelmixture as follows.2. Start and warm up the engine.Check the operation of the controlsand the engine stop button. (Seepage 3-1.)3. Operate the motorcycle in the low-er gears at moderate throttle open-ings for five to eight minutes. Stopthe engine and check the sparkplug condition (see page 6-8); itwill show a rich condition duringbreak-in.4. Allow the engine to cool. Restartthe engine and operate the motor-cycle as in the step above for fiveminutes. Then, very briefly shift tothe higher gears and check thefull-throttle response. Stop the en-gine and check the spark plug.5. After again allowing the engine tocool, restart and run the motor-cycle for five more minutes. Fullthrottle and the higher gears maybe used, but sustained full-throttleoperation should be avoided. Stopthe engine and check the sparkplug again.6. Allow the engine to cool, removethe cylinder head and cylinder, andinspect the piston and cylinder.Remove any high spots on the pis-ton with #600-grit wet sandpaper.Clean all components and careful-ly reassemble the cylinder headand cylinder.WARNINGEWA10320If you are not familiar with mainte-nance work, have a Yamaha dealerdo it for you.7. Drain the break-in oil-fuel mixturefrom the fuel tank and refill with thespecified mix. (See page 3-3.)8. Start the engine and check the op-eration of the motorcycle through-out its entire operating range. Stopthe engine and check the sparkplug condition. Restart the motor-cycle and ride it for about 10 to 15more minutes. The motorcycle willnow be ready to ride normally.After the engine break-in period, thor-oughly check the motorcycle for looseparts, oil leakage and any other prob-lems. Be sure to inspect and make ad-justments thoroughly, especially cableand drive chain slack and loosespokes. In addition, check all fittingsand fasteners for looseness, and tight-en if necessary.CAUTION:ECA15560 When any of the following partshave been replaced, they mustbe broken in.Cylinder or crankshaft:About one hour of break-in op-eration is necessary.Piston, rings or transmissiongears:These parts require about 30minutes of break-in operation athalf-throttle or less. Observe thecondition of the engine carefullyduring operation.Recommended 2-stroke engine oil:See page 8-1.Mixing ratio (gasoline to oil):15:1