PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-126CAUTION:ECA10471 If coolant is not available, usedistilled water or soft tap waterinstead. Do not use hard wateror salt water since it is harmfulto the engine. If water has been used insteadof coolant, replace it with cool-ant as soon as possible, other-wise the cooling system will notbe protected against frost andcorrosion. If water has been added to thecoolant, have a Yamaha dealercheck the antifreeze content ofthe coolant as soon as possible,otherwise the effectiveness ofthe coolant will be reduced.8. Install the radiator cap, start theengine, let it idle for several min-utes, and then turn it off.9. Remove the radiator cap to checkthe coolant level in the radiator. Ifnecessary, add sufficient coolantuntil it reaches the top of the radia-tor, and then install the radiatorcap.10. Start the engine, and then checkthe vehicle for coolant leakage. Ifcoolant is leaking, have a Yamahadealer check the cooling system.EAU41431Cleaning the air filter elementThe air filter element should be cleanedat the intervals specified in the periodicmaintenance and lubrication chart.Clean the air filter element more fre-quently if you are riding in unusuallywet or dusty areas.1. Remove the seat. (See page 3-6.)2. Remove the air filter case cover asshown.1. Air filter case cover