Periodic maintenance and adjustment7-97TIPThe coolant should be at the bottom ofthe radiator filler neck. The level willchange with variation of engine tem-perature.3. If the coolant is below the correctcoolant level, add coolant, andthen install the radiator cap.NOTICE: If coolant is not avail-able, use distilled water or softtap water instead. Do not usehard water or salt water since itis harmful to the engine. If waterhas been used instead of cool-ant, replace it with coolant assoon as possible, otherwise thecooling system will not be pro-tected against frost and corro-sion. If water has been added tothe coolant, have a Yamahadealer check the antifreeze con-tent of the coolant as soon aspossible, otherwise the effec-tiveness of the coolant will bereduced. [ECA10473]EAUM1318To change the coolant1. Place the vehicle on a level surfa-ce and let the engine cool if neces-sary.2. Place a container under the en-gine to collect the used coolant.3. Remove the radiator cap, andthen the coolant drain bolt and itsgasket to drain the cooling sys-tem. WARNING! Never attemptto remove the radiator capwhen the engine is hot. [EWA10382]4. After the coolant is completelydrained, thoroughly flush the cool-ing system with clean tap water.5. Install the coolant drain bolt andits new gasket, and then tightenthe bolt to the specified torque.1. Correct coolant level11. Radiator cap1. Coolant drain bolt2. GasketTightening torque:Coolant drain bolt:10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.4 lb·ft)12 1