Motorcycle care and storage8-28 harsh chemicals, includingstrong acidic wheel cleaners,especially on spoke or magne-sium wheels. harsh chemicals, abrasivecleaning compounds, or wax onmatte-finished parts. Brushescan scratch and damage thematte-finish, use soft sponge ortowel only. towels, sponges, or brushescontaminated with abrasivecleaning products or strongchemicals such as, solvents,gasoline, rust removers, brakefluid, or antifreeze, etc.Before washing1. Park the vehicle out of direct sun-light and allow it to cool. This willhelp avoid water spots.2. Make sure all caps, covers, elec-trical couplers and connectors aretightly installed.3. Cover the muffler end with a plas-tic bag and a strong rubber band.4. Pre-soak stubborn stains like in-sects or bird droppings with a wettowel for a few minutes.5. Remove road grime and oil stainswith a biodegradable degreaser(YAMACLEAN Pro-Wash Spray)and a plastic-bristle brush orsponge. NOTICE: Do not usedegreasing agent on areas re-quiring lubrication such asseals, gaskets, and wheel axles.Follow product instructions.[ECA26290]Washing1. Rinse off any degreaser and spraydown the vehicle with a gardenhose. Use only enough pressureto do the job. Avoid spraying wa-ter directly into the muffler, instru-ment panel, air inlet, or other innerareas such as underseat storagecompartments.2. Wash the vehicle with a quality au-tomotive-type detergent(YAMALUBE Wash & Wax) mixedwith cool water and a soft, cleantowel or sponge. Use an old tooth-brush or plastic-bristle brush forhard-to-reach places. NOTICE:Use cold water if the vehicle hasbeen exposed to salt. Warm wa-ter will increase salt’s corrosiveproperties. [ECA26301]3. For windshield-equipped vehicles:Clean the windshield with a softtowel or sponge dampened withwater and a pH neutral detergent.If necessary, use a high-qualitywindshield cleaner (YAMACLEANGlass Cleaner) or windshield pol-ish. NOTICE: Never use anystrong chemicals to clean thewindshield. Additionally, somecleaning compounds for plasticmay scratch the windshield, sobe sure to test all cleaning prod-ucts before general application.[ECA26310]4. Rinse off thoroughly with cleanwater. Be sure to remove all deter-gent residues, as they can beharmful to plastic parts.