INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-1131. Use the code re-registering key tostart the engine.NOTE:Make sure there are no other immobi-lizer keys close to the main switch, anddo not keep more than one immobilizerkey on the same key ring! Immobilizersystem keys may cause signal interfer-ence, which may prevent the enginefrom starting.2. If the engine starts, turn it off andtry starting the engine with thestandard keys.3. If one or both of the standard keysdo not start the engine, take thevehicle, the code re-registeringkey and both standard keys to aYamaha dealer and have the stan-dard keys re-registered.If the right display indicates any errorcodes, note the code number, and thenhave a Yamaha dealer check the vehi-cle.CAUTION:ECA11590If the display indicates an errorcode, the vehicle should be checkedas soon as possible in order to avoidengine damage.Display brightness and shift timingindicator light control modeThis mode cycles through five controlfunctions, allowing you to make the fol-lowing settings in the order listed be-low. Display brightness:This function allows you to adjustthe brightness of the displays andtachometer to suit the outsidelighting conditions. Shift timing indicator light activity:This function allows you to choosewhether or not the indicator lightshould be activated and whether itshould flash or stay on when acti-vated. Shift timing indicator light activa-tion:This function allows you to selectthe engine speed at which the indi-cator light will be activated. Shift timing indicator light deactiva-tion:This function allows you to selectthe engine speed at which the indi-cator light will be deactivated. Shift timing indicator light bright-ness:This function allows you to adjustthe brightness of the indicator lightto suit your preference.NOTE: To make any settings in this mode,you have to cycle through all of itsfunctions. However, if the key isturned to “OFF” or the engine isstarted before completing the pro-cedure, only the settings made be-fore the “SELECT” button was lastpushed will be applied. In this mode, the right displayshows the current setting for eachfunction (except the shift timing in-dicator light activity function).